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The Forest District Nowa Sól belongs to lowland areas. The heights in the area differ from 59,6 meters above sea level (the area around the village Stany) to 191,3 meters above sea level (the area around the village Cisów). Significant heights occur on the border with the Foerst District Krzystkowice- up to 163 meters above sea level and in the village Skibice at the height of 165 meters above sea level in the village Kotowice. In the whole Forest District, there are located a few forest rangers areas, such as Kożuchów and Niwiska in the higher southern parts of the Forest District, the Forest Rangers area Przyborów is in the lower part, but Dolina Odry (Odra Valley) lies in the lowest partof the Forest District.

The Forest District is located within Middle Polish Glaciations (Odranian Glaciation)  in Wartanian stadial (mazowiecko-podlaski stadial) and North Polish Glaciation (Vistulian Glaciation) in the main stadial. One can find here almost all geomorphological forms connected with glacial, postglacial and helocene periods. Due to great geological and geomorphological diversity, soils are very  diversified as well. In fact, there are all the type and sub-types of soils characteristic for the lowland areas.

Within the area of the Forest District, there predominate rusty soils (45,55%), spodic soils (15,92%), groundwater gley soils (8,60%) and alluvial soils (7,56%), others take less than 25% of the area.

The Forest District Nowa Sól in whole lies in the River Odra oxbow lake, in the area of direct river basin of Odra River and its two tributaries Obrzyca and Bóbr Rivers.

In the Forest District Nowa Sól, there predominate pure stands  (51,12%), while in the forest stands aged 41 – 80, they constitute as much as 66,69%. Definitely, a dominant stands constitute pinewood monocultures. In the younger tree stands, aged maximum 40, there can be noticed big (19,16%) participation of forest stands with great species diversity (four and more species in the composition).